Campfire Sauna to Paekākāriki

By Campfire Sauna



NZ $31,090 pledged

252 people pledged


NZ $30,000 minimum target

100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 16/06/2024 at 8:00 PM.

Make a Pledge


Campfire Sauna To Paekākāriki

Project 2024-04-20 13:08:42 +1200

Tell me more.

We're working to bring a beautiful 14 person sustainable sauna to Paekākāriki. As new Paekākāriki residents we want to contribute to the community and bring people together through a ritual we get great pleasure and health benefits from. 

Whether you want to slow down, unwind and have some time to yourself or simply enjoy some quality time with friends, the sauna is the place for you.

Inside the sauna

It’s magic we promise. 

Saunas are good for mind and body. Some benefits of saunas include:

- Improved circulation

- muscle relaxation

- detoxification

- stress reduction

- improved skin health

- enhanced respiratory function 

Where will the sauna be and how will it work? 

The sauna will be nestled in the Paekākāriki Holiday Park near the ocean (cold plunge anyone!?). 

To begin, it will be open three evenings a week with bookable sessions for individuals and groups. Sessions will be either silent, guided with sounds and scents, or open to talk as you please. As we grow the number of people behind it and people keen to participate, we can run more sessions! 

When can we have our sauna?

If you all PLEDGE NOW and we raise the funds by mid June, we’ll have the sauna ready for the depths of winter, mid-late July this year. 

What are the rewards? 

We really hope there are rewards to suit everyone! You can pledge as many times as you like. Buy some passes for your mates! Crowdfunding campaigns are all or nothing so no money leaves your account until we’ve met our funding target.

Help us buy the sauna! We’re splitting it with the community.

Turns out getting a beautiful, local, safe, sustainable sauna focused on minimizing waste is not free. We’re looking to raise $30,000 by 16 June 2024. It will need some surrounding infrastructure, a deck for a cuppa tea afterwards and a proper shower structure. Let’s break it down.

The actual sauna - $48,000
Building the showers - $3000 
Landscaping the site - $2000
Building the changing shed - $4000
Building wood storage - $1000
Pledgeme fees: $2,000
Total cost: $60,000

As you can see the total is more than $30,000. We - Sal and Malky - will put in money to match your contributions. If we surpass the goal of $30,000 we’ll be able to level up the infrastructure, Malky has already got some awesome ideas!

Who are we?

Sally and Malcolm came to the sauna idea separately. Sally loved the idea of creating a community asset, while Malcolm had been nurturing a dream of building a floating sauna. As new residents of Paekākāriki, they decided to join dreams to make Campfire Sauna happen for the local community. 

Big mihi to Ngāti Toa Rangatira for having us on their whenua.

Check out our website - 

Instagram -

Ask us any questions - [email protected] 


 *Lil dance in appreciation* 

Thanks so much for your support.


Updates 13

Hitting confirm

16/07/2024 at 10:10 PM

Hey everyone.

A quick but significant update on today's progress 👉. With the touch of 'confirm' I set the wheels in motion for our sauna to be built. What a moment - to transfer our crowdfunding money and more to our sauna supplier. It's a significant purchase! If it wasn't real before, it sure is now!

We've been given a 10-week timeframe. While we're excited for this there's a touch of disappointment that it's not quicker. You've probably heard about the inflation in the building trade and that typically things take longer than planned - looks like we've been a victim of both these trends. But now negotiations are done and we're looking forward to making the plan a reality. We have a great team assembled and are working on the site design. We will give you some insight into this in a week or so. 

And, hm, yup I definately jumped the gun in our last Insta video at the close of the PledgeMe. It was a good warm up for today. 

Happy days and a lil dance in celebration,

Malky and Sally


Biggest thank you from Campfire Sauna

07/07/2024 at 7:48 PM

Kia ora Campfire Sauna supporters! 

Wow. Thank you all so much for pledgin. Genuinely, really, we’re so humbled by all of your support. These last few weeks since the campaign have flown by. We’ve reflected on how much we’re grateful for this community, how much trust you’ve put in us and how we’re only getting started. 

You’ve done your part, now we have got to do ours!! 


Our current work is all about solidifying the costs and getting commitments from suppliers and builders. We’re busy in the background, lots of calls, emails and getting personal recommendations. It’s exciting that these wheels are getting moving.

As we feel we’re carrying your expectations and excitement as well as our own, we’d like to keep you updated along the way so you can share in our highs and lows. Stay tuned for these!


Stay wonderful. 
*Lil dance in appreciation* 
Sal + Malky

We're doing it!! 🏄🏼‍♀️

16/06/2024 at 4:14 PM


We made it. Couldn't have done it without you!!

Thanks sooo much for all the pledges, extra pledges, promo and for believing in this project. We're over the moon, and a little exhausted. Expect to hear little from us over the week as we take a break from socials and emails. This no-doubt will be a break for you and your inboxes too.

As soon as we made the target I placed the order for the sauna. Will get onto the design and buid of the site next week.

Thanks again!! Can't wait to get sweaty with you.

Lil dance in appreciation,

Malky + Sally

Home stretch🏕️🔥🧖‍♀️

16/06/2024 at 12:02 PM

Wow, we're so close. Thank-you soo much! It's hard not to start thinking about tomorrow and all the exciting work we'll start doing to make this a reality (and the upcoming detox from social media omg). But we still have $1165 to go so first things first..

Think spring evening swims followed by hot saunas, private bookings with your visitors over summer, solo meditative digital detoxs on weekday evenings, low key hangs and chats with people you know and don't. All the ways you can enjoy this facility!

If you or others you know need these, get in quick!

And thanks again - your support got us this far, you're amazing.

Malky + Sally - building the hype one video at a time

33 hours to go - $3,290 needed

15/06/2024 at 11:00 AM

Dear supporters, We're getting super close the the goal! The way the campaign has taken off in the last few days has been amazing. It's because of you, individually, deciding that you actually want this to happen. So thank you! Sally and I are plenty amazed at the progress and are beginning to believe that this is going to happen. We're on the edges of our seats, working out who still doesn't know about us, who we should reach out to and who might pledge again to get us to our goal. As of now, with 33 hours left in the campaign, we are $3,290 short of $30k. So $3,290 short of bringing a gorgeous sauna, and comfortable surrounds, to Paekākāriki. What can you do? We'd love it if you could share the link to the campaign page in any message groups you're a part of and on your socials. You could add a note to say why you decided to pledge, and what you got in return. Anything you share we'll repost on our socials too.

Also, if you want to get more sauna passes at a good discount, please take another look at the rewards and pledge again.
Fingers and toes crossed that we make it. And thanks sooooo much for your pledges of support so far.



Locals Helping Locals

13/06/2024 at 6:58 PM

We were so humbled when Bhavesh from the Village Grocery reached out and offered to sponsor the sauna. Such a generous gesture that really demonstrates his 'locals helping locals' ethos. It was a big gesture, really, but will it be enough?

If you're following closely you'll see we still have just over $6000 left to raise to reach our total, and in doing so get access to the money already pledged. Crowdfunding is all or nothing like that.

If you've been on the fence about buying a gift pass, or one of the larger rewards, like six months unlimited, for $1000, now is your time!

We also have the 'light the first match reward' which guarantees you instant patron status! If you select this reward and you've aleady pledged, we'll throw in the six month unlimited for free.

You are one of a special group - the folks that have helped us get this far. You want this too! Anything you can do to get our campaign out to people that might support or need reminding is super appreciated. We are close now!

Call to action! Share, nudge, pledge for Campfire Sauna

10/06/2024 at 6:33 PM


Kia ora wonderful Campfire Sauna supporters,

THANK YOU. We are still deep in our crowdfunding campaign so a bigger juicy thanks is coming soon. Your contribution has helped us get to $18,460. This is for the community and we’re stoked you want to be a part of it.


Our crowdfunding campaign is in its last week, ending on Sunday 16 June! We are close to our goal of $30,000 but...


We are asking that you reach out to 10-15 people in a coordinated action to get us to our goal. Email, messages, conversations or phone calls - to your friends, family, colleagues, coffee groups, clubs, neighbours, community etc. It’ll take you less than 30 minutes and it will contribute to a big buzz that will push us over the line. Posting on social media is helpful too, but directly contacting is generally most effective.

We know that a large proportion of funding comes from secondary supporters - people that you know, but don’t necessarily know us. At the bottom of this email is a template to send out - you can choose to use it as you wish.

Our goal of $30,000 gives us the ability to buy the sauna and set up the shower, changing shed and wood storage. If we purchase the sauna soon, we’ll be ready in time for winter.

*Lil dance in appreciation* 

Sal + Malky



Please send this out as soon as you can to 10-15 people. Our crowdfunding closes 7pm on Sunday 16 June.

Kia ora ____

Sally and Malcolm [new Paekākāriki residents / friends / something] are in the process of setting up a sauna - Campfire Sauna at the Paekākāriki Holiday Park and need your help. [Perhaps add how you know us / heard about us.]

They are passionate about contributing to the community and bringing people together through a ritual they get great pleasure and health benefits from. [Any personal affinity you have to saunas and why]

Campfire Sauna are currently in the last week of their crowdfunding campaign and are incredibly close to their goal of $30,000. This goal gives them the ability to buy the sauna and set up the shower, changing shed and wood storage. They have a range of awesome rewards including sauna single passes or 10 trips. Please have a look at their crowdfunding campaign and the website. If you are in a position to support them I really encourage you to get behind them.

[Could add why you supported us and what reward you bought, e.g. we bought a bunch of passes as presents for friends. They do make great presents don’t they….!]

Ngā mihi,


'Come sauna with me' - Mark Amery

07/06/2024 at 1:47 PM

A call from Mark Amery for you to share with your friends to help us get to our goal.
"One of my all-time favourite places is a community space where you can bump into friends, connect and share. Even better? A hot, steamy community space like the 14-person wooden sauna planned for the Paekākāriki Holiday Park. As a community, we can make it happen by buying some sessions or packages before 16 June. At this stage it's a pledge, rather than a payment. As a keen sauna-goer, I can’t wait to see this dream realised, but I need more people in the village to join me. Campfire Sauna To Paekākāriki project at needs $30,000 by June 16 to get the sauna up and running in July. As I write, more than 120 people have pledged more than $15,000, but I’d love to see more of my friends and neighbours on that list. I’m worried this remarkable opportunity will pass us by. Importantly, this is all being run by two locals genuinely looking to create a new kind of community space for the village. They’ll build it and run it, all we need to do is make some commitment before the 16th of June. You can keep up to date by subscribing through their website: "

Thanks Mark :)

Stoked with the generous sponsorship from Elite Arboriculture

01/06/2024 at 5:17 PM

"I think you're cool cats and I like the idea of adding anything of value to our community." 🥰

That's our mate Jade, from Elite Arboriculture, who has generously sponsored Campfire Sauna. What a champ, we're grateful as. His team will get some free saunas.

You too could sponsor Campfire Sauna... we got rewards ready for ya.

So, what do you like about saunas Sal?

27/05/2024 at 5:49 PM


"I find the overwhelming heat of the sauna so relaxing and my thoughts fall away. Afterwards, I feel recharged and energised while in a state of snuggly bliss.


I don't generally enjoy winter but sauna gives me a great reason to leave the house knowing that I'm still going somewhere snug. It's people gathering with a purpose - almost like we're alone together. My first real experience of sauna outside of a pool complex was in Raglan at Redwood Sauna. It was completely different. The natural setting was restorative in and of itself and the essential oils added to the deliciousness. That's one of the inspirations behind Campfire. I really want the smells, sounds and space to enhance the sauna experience."


- Sally, Chief Wood Chopper


We're about half way through the campaign and almost halfway to our goal thanks to you fabulous early supporters! Please keep yarning to your friends and sharing our Pledgeme page :) 

You need to pledge to see this update.

We've hit our first milestone💥

21/05/2024 at 8:31 PM

Holy smokes! We just cracked the 10k milestone at warp speed. We're totally humbled by all the support we're getting. The latest pledge was a big one - a private all-day booking, hosted by us. They’ll stay at the Holiday Park and redeem in summer for their birthday. It's gonna be a time!

Thank-you so much! We cannot do it without you!

Grateful for your support in our first week!🔥

19/05/2024 at 4:46 PM

Can’t believe it’s been a week.

We’re truly humbled by the support we’ve received. We literally can’t wait to fire up the sauna and welcome you to our space. You’re our first, earliest supporters and we are so thankful for your early pledges.

*Lil dance in appreciation*
Sal + Malky

    Pledgers 252

    16/06/2024 at 7:48pm

    "I know you've already hit the goal but I'm so excited about this project I wanted to pledge anyway! "

    Hinemoa Shingleton
    16/06/2024 at 6:07pm
    Anonymous pledger
    16/06/2024 at 5:48pm

    "Yay, can't wait!"

    Matt Jenkins
    16/06/2024 at 5:02pm
    Anonymous pledger
    16/06/2024 at 3:54pm
    Anonymous pledger
    16/06/2024 at 3:43pm
    Anonymous pledger
    16/06/2024 at 2:34pm

    "get ready for a full day pillowtopia and friends takeover!"

    16/06/2024 at 2:26pm
    Anonymous pledger
    16/06/2024 at 2:24pm
    16/06/2024 at 1:59pm
    Sarah McDowell
    16/06/2024 at 1:05pm
    Shelley Thomson
    16/06/2024 at 12:07pm
    Anonymous pledger
    16/06/2024 at 11:54am
    Anonymous pledger
    16/06/2024 at 11:32am
    Jodie O’Doherty
    16/06/2024 at 10:40am

    "You guys are awesome! Good luck. "

    16/06/2024 at 10:28am
    Natasha McLean
    16/06/2024 at 10:08am
    Anonymous pledger
    15/06/2024 at 11:26pm
    Greet Pauwelijn
    15/06/2024 at 11:22pm
    15/06/2024 at 11:16pm
    ash holwell
    15/06/2024 at 10:20pm
    15/06/2024 at 9:12pm
    15/06/2024 at 8:18pm

    "Love your work! Can’t wait to sweat with you! Lots of love from Berlin. William and Steffen. "

    15/06/2024 at 7:07pm
    15/06/2024 at 6:48pm

    "Wishing you all the best Malky! You are almost there! Ilya & Marina"

    Anonymous pledger
    15/06/2024 at 6:31pm

    "I hope there are women only times. "

    Aimee Fraser-Jones
    15/06/2024 at 6:28pm
    15/06/2024 at 3:57pm
    Garage Monkey
    15/06/2024 at 2:04pm

    "Kev and the team at Garage Monkey Plimmerton are super excited for this awesome community initiative. Gook luck! 🐒 "

    Anonymous pledger
    15/06/2024 at 12:59pm

    Followers 3

    Followers of Campfire Sauna to Paekākāriki

    Campfire Sauna To Paekākāriki

    Project 2024-04-20 13:08:42 +1200

    Tell me more.

    We're working to bring a beautiful 14 person sustainable sauna to Paekākāriki. As new Paekākāriki residents we want to contribute to the community and bring people together through a ritual we get great pleasure and health benefits from. 

    Whether you want to slow down, unwind and have some time to yourself or simply enjoy some quality time with friends, the sauna is the place for you.

    Inside the sauna

    It’s magic we promise. 

    Saunas are good for mind and body. Some benefits of saunas include:

    - Improved circulation

    - muscle relaxation

    - detoxification

    - stress reduction

    - improved skin health

    - enhanced respiratory function 

    Where will the sauna be and how will it work? 

    The sauna will be nestled in the Paekākāriki Holiday Park near the ocean (cold plunge anyone!?). 

    To begin, it will be open three evenings a week with bookable sessions for individuals and groups. Sessions will be either silent, guided with sounds and scents, or open to talk as you please. As we grow the number of people behind it and people keen to participate, we can run more sessions! 

    When can we have our sauna?

    If you all PLEDGE NOW and we raise the funds by mid June, we’ll have the sauna ready for the depths of winter, mid-late July this year. 

    What are the rewards? 

    We really hope there are rewards to suit everyone! You can pledge as many times as you like. Buy some passes for your mates! Crowdfunding campaigns are all or nothing so no money leaves your account until we’ve met our funding target.

    Help us buy the sauna! We’re splitting it with the community.

    Turns out getting a beautiful, local, safe, sustainable sauna focused on minimizing waste is not free. We’re looking to raise $30,000 by 16 June 2024. It will need some surrounding infrastructure, a deck for a cuppa tea afterwards and a proper shower structure. Let’s break it down.

    The actual sauna - $48,000
    Building the showers - $3000 
    Landscaping the site - $2000
    Building the changing shed - $4000
    Building wood storage - $1000
    Pledgeme fees: $2,000
    Total cost: $60,000

    As you can see the total is more than $30,000. We - Sal and Malky - will put in money to match your contributions. If we surpass the goal of $30,000 we’ll be able to level up the infrastructure, Malky has already got some awesome ideas!

    Who are we?

    Sally and Malcolm came to the sauna idea separately. Sally loved the idea of creating a community asset, while Malcolm had been nurturing a dream of building a floating sauna. As new residents of Paekākāriki, they decided to join dreams to make Campfire Sauna happen for the local community. 

    Big mihi to Ngāti Toa Rangatira for having us on their whenua.

    Check out our website - 

    Instagram -

    Ask us any questions - [email protected] 


     *Lil dance in appreciation* 

    Thanks so much for your support.


    Hitting confirm

    16/07/2024 at 10:10 PM

    Hey everyone.

    A quick but significant update on today's progress 👉. With the touch of 'confirm' I set the wheels in motion for our sauna to be built. What a moment - to transfer our crowdfunding money and more to our sauna supplier. It's a significant purchase! If it wasn't real before, it sure is now!

    We've been given a 10-week timeframe. While we're excited for this there's a touch of disappointment that it's not quicker. You've probably heard about the inflation in the building trade and that typically things take longer than planned - looks like we've been a victim of both these trends. But now negotiations are done and we're looking forward to making the plan a reality. We have a great team assembled and are working on the site design. We will give you some insight into this in a week or so. 

    And, hm, yup I definately jumped the gun in our last Insta video at the close of the PledgeMe. It was a good warm up for today. 

    Happy days and a lil dance in celebration,

    Malky and Sally


    Biggest thank you from Campfire Sauna

    07/07/2024 at 7:48 PM

    Kia ora Campfire Sauna supporters! 

    Wow. Thank you all so much for pledgin. Genuinely, really, we’re so humbled by all of your support. These last few weeks since the campaign have flown by. We’ve reflected on how much we’re grateful for this community, how much trust you’ve put in us and how we’re only getting started. 

    You’ve done your part, now we have got to do ours!! 


    Our current work is all about solidifying the costs and getting commitments from suppliers and builders. We’re busy in the background, lots of calls, emails and getting personal recommendations. It’s exciting that these wheels are getting moving.

    As we feel we’re carrying your expectations and excitement as well as our own, we’d like to keep you updated along the way so you can share in our highs and lows. Stay tuned for these!


    Stay wonderful. 
    *Lil dance in appreciation* 
    Sal + Malky

    We're doing it!! 🏄🏼‍♀️

    16/06/2024 at 4:14 PM


    We made it. Couldn't have done it without you!!

    Thanks sooo much for all the pledges, extra pledges, promo and for believing in this project. We're over the moon, and a little exhausted. Expect to hear little from us over the week as we take a break from socials and emails. This no-doubt will be a break for you and your inboxes too.

    As soon as we made the target I placed the order for the sauna. Will get onto the design and buid of the site next week.

    Thanks again!! Can't wait to get sweaty with you.

    Lil dance in appreciation,

    Malky + Sally

    Home stretch🏕️🔥🧖‍♀️

    16/06/2024 at 12:02 PM

    Wow, we're so close. Thank-you soo much! It's hard not to start thinking about tomorrow and all the exciting work we'll start doing to make this a reality (and the upcoming detox from social media omg). But we still have $1165 to go so first things first..

    Think spring evening swims followed by hot saunas, private bookings with your visitors over summer, solo meditative digital detoxs on weekday evenings, low key hangs and chats with people you know and don't. All the ways you can enjoy this facility!

    If you or others you know need these, get in quick!

    And thanks again - your support got us this far, you're amazing.

    Malky + Sally - building the hype one video at a time

    33 hours to go - $3,290 needed

    15/06/2024 at 11:00 AM

    Dear supporters, We're getting super close the the goal! The way the campaign has taken off in the last few days has been amazing. It's because of you, individually, deciding that you actually want this to happen. So thank you! Sally and I are plenty amazed at the progress and are beginning to believe that this is going to happen. We're on the edges of our seats, working out who still doesn't know about us, who we should reach out to and who might pledge again to get us to our goal. As of now, with 33 hours left in the campaign, we are $3,290 short of $30k. So $3,290 short of bringing a gorgeous sauna, and comfortable surrounds, to Paekākāriki. What can you do? We'd love it if you could share the link to the campaign page in any message groups you're a part of and on your socials. You could add a note to say why you decided to pledge, and what you got in return. Anything you share we'll repost on our socials too.

    Also, if you want to get more sauna passes at a good discount, please take another look at the rewards and pledge again.
    Fingers and toes crossed that we make it. And thanks sooooo much for your pledges of support so far.



    Locals Helping Locals

    13/06/2024 at 6:58 PM

    We were so humbled when Bhavesh from the Village Grocery reached out and offered to sponsor the sauna. Such a generous gesture that really demonstrates his 'locals helping locals' ethos. It was a big gesture, really, but will it be enough?

    If you're following closely you'll see we still have just over $6000 left to raise to reach our total, and in doing so get access to the money already pledged. Crowdfunding is all or nothing like that.

    If you've been on the fence about buying a gift pass, or one of the larger rewards, like six months unlimited, for $1000, now is your time!

    We also have the 'light the first match reward' which guarantees you instant patron status! If you select this reward and you've aleady pledged, we'll throw in the six month unlimited for free.

    You are one of a special group - the folks that have helped us get this far. You want this too! Anything you can do to get our campaign out to people that might support or need reminding is super appreciated. We are close now!

    Call to action! Share, nudge, pledge for Campfire Sauna

    10/06/2024 at 6:33 PM


    Kia ora wonderful Campfire Sauna supporters,

    THANK YOU. We are still deep in our crowdfunding campaign so a bigger juicy thanks is coming soon. Your contribution has helped us get to $18,460. This is for the community and we’re stoked you want to be a part of it.


    Our crowdfunding campaign is in its last week, ending on Sunday 16 June! We are close to our goal of $30,000 but...


    We are asking that you reach out to 10-15 people in a coordinated action to get us to our goal. Email, messages, conversations or phone calls - to your friends, family, colleagues, coffee groups, clubs, neighbours, community etc. It’ll take you less than 30 minutes and it will contribute to a big buzz that will push us over the line. Posting on social media is helpful too, but directly contacting is generally most effective.

    We know that a large proportion of funding comes from secondary supporters - people that you know, but don’t necessarily know us. At the bottom of this email is a template to send out - you can choose to use it as you wish.

    Our goal of $30,000 gives us the ability to buy the sauna and set up the shower, changing shed and wood storage. If we purchase the sauna soon, we’ll be ready in time for winter.

    *Lil dance in appreciation* 

    Sal + Malky



    Please send this out as soon as you can to 10-15 people. Our crowdfunding closes 7pm on Sunday 16 June.

    Kia ora ____

    Sally and Malcolm [new Paekākāriki residents / friends / something] are in the process of setting up a sauna - Campfire Sauna at the Paekākāriki Holiday Park and need your help. [Perhaps add how you know us / heard about us.]

    They are passionate about contributing to the community and bringing people together through a ritual they get great pleasure and health benefits from. [Any personal affinity you have to saunas and why]

    Campfire Sauna are currently in the last week of their crowdfunding campaign and are incredibly close to their goal of $30,000. This goal gives them the ability to buy the sauna and set up the shower, changing shed and wood storage. They have a range of awesome rewards including sauna single passes or 10 trips. Please have a look at their crowdfunding campaign and the website. If you are in a position to support them I really encourage you to get behind them.

    [Could add why you supported us and what reward you bought, e.g. we bought a bunch of passes as presents for friends. They do make great presents don’t they….!]

    Ngā mihi,


    'Come sauna with me' - Mark Amery

    07/06/2024 at 1:47 PM

    A call from Mark Amery for you to share with your friends to help us get to our goal.
    "One of my all-time favourite places is a community space where you can bump into friends, connect and share. Even better? A hot, steamy community space like the 14-person wooden sauna planned for the Paekākāriki Holiday Park. As a community, we can make it happen by buying some sessions or packages before 16 June. At this stage it's a pledge, rather than a payment. As a keen sauna-goer, I can’t wait to see this dream realised, but I need more people in the village to join me. Campfire Sauna To Paekākāriki project at needs $30,000 by June 16 to get the sauna up and running in July. As I write, more than 120 people have pledged more than $15,000, but I’d love to see more of my friends and neighbours on that list. I’m worried this remarkable opportunity will pass us by. Importantly, this is all being run by two locals genuinely looking to create a new kind of community space for the village. They’ll build it and run it, all we need to do is make some commitment before the 16th of June. You can keep up to date by subscribing through their website: "

    Thanks Mark :)

    Stoked with the generous sponsorship from Elite Arboriculture

    01/06/2024 at 5:17 PM

    "I think you're cool cats and I like the idea of adding anything of value to our community." 🥰

    That's our mate Jade, from Elite Arboriculture, who has generously sponsored Campfire Sauna. What a champ, we're grateful as. His team will get some free saunas.

    You too could sponsor Campfire Sauna... we got rewards ready for ya.

    So, what do you like about saunas Sal?

    27/05/2024 at 5:49 PM


    "I find the overwhelming heat of the sauna so relaxing and my thoughts fall away. Afterwards, I feel recharged and energised while in a state of snuggly bliss.


    I don't generally enjoy winter but sauna gives me a great reason to leave the house knowing that I'm still going somewhere snug. It's people gathering with a purpose - almost like we're alone together. My first real experience of sauna outside of a pool complex was in Raglan at Redwood Sauna. It was completely different. The natural setting was restorative in and of itself and the essential oils added to the deliciousness. That's one of the inspirations behind Campfire. I really want the smells, sounds and space to enhance the sauna experience."


    - Sally, Chief Wood Chopper


    We're about half way through the campaign and almost halfway to our goal thanks to you fabulous early supporters! Please keep yarning to your friends and sharing our Pledgeme page :) 

    You need to pledge to see this update.

    We've hit our first milestone💥

    21/05/2024 at 8:31 PM

    Holy smokes! We just cracked the 10k milestone at warp speed. We're totally humbled by all the support we're getting. The latest pledge was a big one - a private all-day booking, hosted by us. They’ll stay at the Holiday Park and redeem in summer for their birthday. It's gonna be a time!

    Thank-you so much! We cannot do it without you!

    Grateful for your support in our first week!🔥

    19/05/2024 at 4:46 PM

    Can’t believe it’s been a week.

    We’re truly humbled by the support we’ve received. We literally can’t wait to fire up the sauna and welcome you to our space. You’re our first, earliest supporters and we are so thankful for your early pledges.

    *Lil dance in appreciation*
    Sal + Malky

      16/06/2024 at 7:48pm

      "I know you've already hit the goal but I'm so excited about this project I wanted to pledge anyway! "

      Hinemoa Shingleton
      16/06/2024 at 6:07pm
      Anonymous pledger
      16/06/2024 at 5:48pm

      "Yay, can't wait!"

      Matt Jenkins
      16/06/2024 at 5:02pm
      Anonymous pledger
      16/06/2024 at 3:54pm
      Anonymous pledger
      16/06/2024 at 3:43pm
      Anonymous pledger
      16/06/2024 at 2:34pm

      "get ready for a full day pillowtopia and friends takeover!"

      16/06/2024 at 2:26pm
      Anonymous pledger
      16/06/2024 at 2:24pm
      16/06/2024 at 1:59pm
      Sarah McDowell
      16/06/2024 at 1:05pm
      Shelley Thomson
      16/06/2024 at 12:07pm
      Anonymous pledger
      16/06/2024 at 11:54am
      Anonymous pledger
      16/06/2024 at 11:32am
      Jodie O’Doherty
      16/06/2024 at 10:40am

      "You guys are awesome! Good luck. "

      16/06/2024 at 10:28am
      Natasha McLean
      16/06/2024 at 10:08am
      Anonymous pledger
      15/06/2024 at 11:26pm
      Greet Pauwelijn
      15/06/2024 at 11:22pm
      15/06/2024 at 11:16pm
      ash holwell
      15/06/2024 at 10:20pm
      15/06/2024 at 9:12pm
      15/06/2024 at 8:18pm

      "Love your work! Can’t wait to sweat with you! Lots of love from Berlin. William and Steffen. "

      15/06/2024 at 7:07pm
      15/06/2024 at 6:48pm

      "Wishing you all the best Malky! You are almost there! Ilya & Marina"

      Anonymous pledger
      15/06/2024 at 6:31pm

      "I hope there are women only times. "

      Aimee Fraser-Jones
      15/06/2024 at 6:28pm
      15/06/2024 at 3:57pm
      Garage Monkey
      15/06/2024 at 2:04pm

      "Kev and the team at Garage Monkey Plimmerton are super excited for this awesome community initiative. Gook luck! 🐒 "

      Anonymous pledger
      15/06/2024 at 12:59pm

      Followers of Campfire Sauna to Paekākāriki

      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 16/06/2024 at 8:00 PM.
      Surf Lesson And Sauna
      You Strike The First Match, Our VIP Tester