Launch Cahoots with the CRAB Trailer!

By Jade Musther



NZ $11,176 pledged

89 people pledged


NZ $10,000 minimum target

100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 09/04/2024 at 8:00 PM.

Make a Pledge


Launch Cahoots With The CRAB Trailer!

Project 2024-01-29 14:50:29 +1300

Update - 11th March: We've got nearly one month to go and we're very close to smashing that $10,000 goal! So now we're going to be aspiration and aim for $20,000! Every dollar over our original goal will be split with half used to pay for labour to build the trailer and the other half going directly into the fund we use to do work for poorer folks. Thank you all for getting us this far and let's spread the word to get us to our aspirational goal of $20,000!


Kia ora! This is the crowdfunding campaign to launch Cahoots, the sliding scale, bike powered, queer & trans run, practical community resilience and repair collective, of Wellington, New Zealand. This PledgeMe will build the “Cahoots Revved and Braked” e-bike trailer, so Cahoots can do its important mahi all across the hills of Te Whanganui-A-Tara!


Cahoots brings extensive technical background to household fixing and building, using income-based pricing and a friendly, non-traditional handy ma’am to build a better quality of living accessible across communities in Wellington. 


But being biked powered in hilly Wellington requires extra juice to tow tools and materials around! So we’re building the “Cahoots Revved And Braked” e-bike trailer (the CRAB trailer!) to get Cahoots fully launched. You can read more about Cahoots and the CRAB trailer plans below.


Thanks so much for your support! 


The Problem

It’s hard to keep our homes dry, warm, and liveable in wet and windy Wellington! Household building and repairs are good and essential for everyone, but not everyone can afford them. Income inequality is increasing, and differences in housing is a “large contributor to inequity in New Zealand.” What a pickle!

The Solution

Cahoots is a radical, community-forward LGBTQIA+ handy ma’am not for profit that strives to be:

- Accessible: Our sliding scale subsidises work for less well-off folks by charging more well-off folks a higher rate*.

- Representative: We’re actively diversifying the tradie space, and we work behind the scenes to support emerging non-male tradies.

- Community-focussed: We create community ties across income divides through our values, pricing structure, and community projects.

- Sustainable: We action our beliefs in sustainability, starting with how we get around. E-bike power is low impact, connects us with our environment, and is nimble in the city.


*Our sliding scale works like this:

If you are…

Then you pay…

Which gets you…

A customer with wealth to share

$75/hour for labour

1 hour labour + ½ hour subsidizing someone in need

A customer with a community services card

$25/hour for labour

1 hour subsidized labour


Maybe you’ve seen us around town? Hard to miss the big rainbow flag 🙂


The Ask

Cahoots built a standard (but pink!) bike trailer for towing building tools and materials with a cargo e-bike, but on Wellington’s steep hills, it just doesn’t cut it. There’s not enough juice in the cargo bike to get up hills, and Jade injured her arm using enough force to brake safely downhill.



So! We thought, why not put e-bike motors and brakes on the trailer itself, so the trailer can offset its extra weight and reduce the risks and challenges of towing? This idea has become the CRAB Trailer (Cahoots Revved and Braked), the e-bike trailer that gives the extra oomph Cahoots needs. 


Click the image (or here) for a full break-down of how the CRAB trailer is going to work!


The CRAB Trailer is a big deal- only a few motorized bike trailers have been built in the world, and we have the engineering, design, making, coding and electrical skills to make it happen. 


So far, we've designed and 3D modelled the trailer, secured suppliers (at a discount) of e-bike motors, brakes, and framing materials, and spoken with other experts. The $10,000 will all go to supplies. Anything raised beyond $10,000 will offset the 150 projected hours of labour that will go into the trailer.


Where will your pledge go? Here’s a budget breakdown:

All progress will be posted in update videos, with detailed plans released open source so bike-powered people all over the world can make their own. It’s the ultimate Cahoots project!


Who doesn’t love a little something with their giving? We’ve got lots to offer our pledgers. 

- Jade will be hosting two DIY workshops in Newtown for certain pledgers, one on making your own upcycled earring holder, the other on making your own palette patio furniture.

- We have an option for those just interested in nerding out on the build, with access to a group chat with special updates, Q+A’s, and lessons learned.

- We have options to purchase an hour of labour for a community services card customer, or, for locals, 2 hours of labour for your own house projects, along with your contribution to the CRAB trailer.

- We’ll be making a thank-you video where you’ll get a shout-out, you have the chance to get your name or logo on the CRAB trailer!

- Oh, and we’re gonna have a launch party in an Island Bay park, where big donors can catch a ride in the CRAB trailer! So jump in, there’s lots in it for you!

Cahoots in Action

What does Cahoots do? What doesn’t Cahoots do!? Cahoots does the work of improving homes, building community connections, working sustainably, and paying it forward. Want an example?


A house of queer, disabled Cahoots fans got their most accessible road access blocked off by a neighbor, shutting them off from work and community. When the landlords intervening didn’t get them access back, they started looking around for alternatives- and found a very, very steep bank.


Could someone get stairs through there, somehow? Cahoots said, absolutely!


The landlords were on board, and happy to pay the higher (subsidizing) rate, especially as Cahoots found a way to do it for much less than the landlords expected. Cahoots made a plan of attack, took a week, delivered in the timber, and constructed four beautiful flights of stairs through the trees. 



The residents and landlords were thrilled, the disabled residents regained road access from their home, the trees were minimally disturbed and the whole endeavor subsidized a future job repairing the leaking roof of someone less well-off. Everyone won! 

In Summary


Cahoots has already soft-launched to wild acclaim, and has a weeks-long waitlist of eager customers. Cahoots has been able to do some jobs with the current trailer, but not being able to accept jobs in hilly spots is a big problem in Wellington! Sustainability, and being bike-powered, is at the core of what we do. The CRAB Trailer will fully launch Cahoots, making repair and building work accessible to folks across Wellington. Thank you so much!


Updates 5

You need to pledge to see this update.

You need to pledge to see this update.

Nearly at $10,000! Here's what we'll do next!

11/03/2024 at 1:45 PM

As we're close to hitting $10,000 and still have a month to run, we're saying a huge thankyou and turning towards an aspirational goal of $20,000.  Half of all funding over our original goal will help support the trailer (by paying for labour) - and the other half will go directly into the fund we use to do work for poorer folks in the community!  

Please keep spreading the word and encouraging pledges to help us reach our aspirational goal of $20,000!

A big day!

08/03/2024 at 6:37 PM

Today Cahoots was featured on RNZ and later the New Zealand Herald.  It's great to see so much support for the work Cahoots is doing!  The pledges today show just how much you all value our kaupapa and we want to give you all a huge thank you!  More to come soon :) 

$1000 update!

02/03/2024 at 4:35 PM

Thank you! 
A great start has taken us past $1000 - here's a little video update, thanks, and some fun info about building the trailer frame!

    Pledgers 89

    Anonymous pledger
    09/04/2024 at 12:38pm
    Anonymous pledger
    08/04/2024 at 9:35pm
    08/04/2024 at 8:18pm

    "Love this concept, tempted to build one..."

    Ross Teppett/Not The Day Job
    04/04/2024 at 4:16pm

    "A really fantastic initiative!"

    Alex MacGibbon
    03/04/2024 at 9:08pm
    Geoff Stone
    31/03/2024 at 11:06am

    "I think what you're is fantastic! More power to you abs Cahoots."

    30/03/2024 at 10:12am
    Naomi 'noms' Smith
    27/03/2024 at 9:13pm

    "Epic kaupapa, wish you the best - thanks for existing and offering this mahi to our village city!"

    27/03/2024 at 6:37pm
    Bekki Young
    23/03/2024 at 1:24pm

    "Such inspiring mahi, good luck "

    Anonymous pledger
    22/03/2024 at 10:01pm
    Irina Ilyushkina
    18/03/2024 at 10:11pm
    Bridget Cassie
    16/03/2024 at 12:43pm

    "Kia Kaha e Waihanga hoa 🫶🏼"

    16/03/2024 at 12:03pm

    "Amazing mahi & kaupapa. So keen to support. "

    Anonymous pledger
    14/03/2024 at 1:46pm
    David ten Have
    14/03/2024 at 10:21am
    Andrew Weaver
    12/03/2024 at 5:34pm

    "Tautoko! Love this mahi"

    Anonymous pledger
    12/03/2024 at 4:33pm
    12/03/2024 at 4:14pm
    12/03/2024 at 6:54am

    "💖 "

    Jessica Matthews
    11/03/2024 at 8:28pm

    "Tautoko Jade! With best wishes from the Matthews family."

    Anonymous pledger
    11/03/2024 at 12:15pm
    Tim Hardie
    11/03/2024 at 4:19am
    Marianne Elliott
    10/03/2024 at 3:49pm
    Martyn Smith
    09/03/2024 at 3:44pm
    Anonymous pledger
    09/03/2024 at 2:34pm

    "Loved our pride ride to Cuba Street! Thank you so much Jade! "

    09/03/2024 at 9:37am

    "What a fantastic idea!! Keep up the great mahi <3 "

    John Barnes
    09/03/2024 at 9:29am

    "All power to you Jade. As a cyclist and a DIY person I applaud your enthusiasm and committment. Good show."

    Anonymous pledger
    09/03/2024 at 9:28am

    "You go, handy ma'am!"

    Chris Musther
    09/03/2024 at 7:56am

    "Really proud of you and what you're doing!"

    Followers 4

    Followers of Launch Cahoots with the CRAB Trailer!

    Launch Cahoots With The CRAB Trailer!

    Project 2024-01-29 14:50:29 +1300

    Update - 11th March: We've got nearly one month to go and we're very close to smashing that $10,000 goal! So now we're going to be aspiration and aim for $20,000! Every dollar over our original goal will be split with half used to pay for labour to build the trailer and the other half going directly into the fund we use to do work for poorer folks. Thank you all for getting us this far and let's spread the word to get us to our aspirational goal of $20,000!


    Kia ora! This is the crowdfunding campaign to launch Cahoots, the sliding scale, bike powered, queer & trans run, practical community resilience and repair collective, of Wellington, New Zealand. This PledgeMe will build the “Cahoots Revved and Braked” e-bike trailer, so Cahoots can do its important mahi all across the hills of Te Whanganui-A-Tara!


    Cahoots brings extensive technical background to household fixing and building, using income-based pricing and a friendly, non-traditional handy ma’am to build a better quality of living accessible across communities in Wellington. 


    But being biked powered in hilly Wellington requires extra juice to tow tools and materials around! So we’re building the “Cahoots Revved And Braked” e-bike trailer (the CRAB trailer!) to get Cahoots fully launched. You can read more about Cahoots and the CRAB trailer plans below.


    Thanks so much for your support! 


    The Problem

    It’s hard to keep our homes dry, warm, and liveable in wet and windy Wellington! Household building and repairs are good and essential for everyone, but not everyone can afford them. Income inequality is increasing, and differences in housing is a “large contributor to inequity in New Zealand.” What a pickle!

    The Solution

    Cahoots is a radical, community-forward LGBTQIA+ handy ma’am not for profit that strives to be:

    - Accessible: Our sliding scale subsidises work for less well-off folks by charging more well-off folks a higher rate*.

    - Representative: We’re actively diversifying the tradie space, and we work behind the scenes to support emerging non-male tradies.

    - Community-focussed: We create community ties across income divides through our values, pricing structure, and community projects.

    - Sustainable: We action our beliefs in sustainability, starting with how we get around. E-bike power is low impact, connects us with our environment, and is nimble in the city.


    *Our sliding scale works like this:

    If you are…

    Then you pay…

    Which gets you…

    A customer with wealth to share

    $75/hour for labour

    1 hour labour + ½ hour subsidizing someone in need

    A customer with a community services card

    $25/hour for labour

    1 hour subsidized labour


    Maybe you’ve seen us around town? Hard to miss the big rainbow flag 🙂


    The Ask

    Cahoots built a standard (but pink!) bike trailer for towing building tools and materials with a cargo e-bike, but on Wellington’s steep hills, it just doesn’t cut it. There’s not enough juice in the cargo bike to get up hills, and Jade injured her arm using enough force to brake safely downhill.



    So! We thought, why not put e-bike motors and brakes on the trailer itself, so the trailer can offset its extra weight and reduce the risks and challenges of towing? This idea has become the CRAB Trailer (Cahoots Revved and Braked), the e-bike trailer that gives the extra oomph Cahoots needs. 


    Click the image (or here) for a full break-down of how the CRAB trailer is going to work!


    The CRAB Trailer is a big deal- only a few motorized bike trailers have been built in the world, and we have the engineering, design, making, coding and electrical skills to make it happen. 


    So far, we've designed and 3D modelled the trailer, secured suppliers (at a discount) of e-bike motors, brakes, and framing materials, and spoken with other experts. The $10,000 will all go to supplies. Anything raised beyond $10,000 will offset the 150 projected hours of labour that will go into the trailer.


    Where will your pledge go? Here’s a budget breakdown:

    All progress will be posted in update videos, with detailed plans released open source so bike-powered people all over the world can make their own. It’s the ultimate Cahoots project!


    Who doesn’t love a little something with their giving? We’ve got lots to offer our pledgers. 

    - Jade will be hosting two DIY workshops in Newtown for certain pledgers, one on making your own upcycled earring holder, the other on making your own palette patio furniture.

    - We have an option for those just interested in nerding out on the build, with access to a group chat with special updates, Q+A’s, and lessons learned.

    - We have options to purchase an hour of labour for a community services card customer, or, for locals, 2 hours of labour for your own house projects, along with your contribution to the CRAB trailer.

    - We’ll be making a thank-you video where you’ll get a shout-out, you have the chance to get your name or logo on the CRAB trailer!

    - Oh, and we’re gonna have a launch party in an Island Bay park, where big donors can catch a ride in the CRAB trailer! So jump in, there’s lots in it for you!

    Cahoots in Action

    What does Cahoots do? What doesn’t Cahoots do!? Cahoots does the work of improving homes, building community connections, working sustainably, and paying it forward. Want an example?


    A house of queer, disabled Cahoots fans got their most accessible road access blocked off by a neighbor, shutting them off from work and community. When the landlords intervening didn’t get them access back, they started looking around for alternatives- and found a very, very steep bank.


    Could someone get stairs through there, somehow? Cahoots said, absolutely!


    The landlords were on board, and happy to pay the higher (subsidizing) rate, especially as Cahoots found a way to do it for much less than the landlords expected. Cahoots made a plan of attack, took a week, delivered in the timber, and constructed four beautiful flights of stairs through the trees. 



    The residents and landlords were thrilled, the disabled residents regained road access from their home, the trees were minimally disturbed and the whole endeavor subsidized a future job repairing the leaking roof of someone less well-off. Everyone won! 

    In Summary


    Cahoots has already soft-launched to wild acclaim, and has a weeks-long waitlist of eager customers. Cahoots has been able to do some jobs with the current trailer, but not being able to accept jobs in hilly spots is a big problem in Wellington! Sustainability, and being bike-powered, is at the core of what we do. The CRAB Trailer will fully launch Cahoots, making repair and building work accessible to folks across Wellington. Thank you so much!


    You need to pledge to see this update.

    You need to pledge to see this update.

    Nearly at $10,000! Here's what we'll do next!

    11/03/2024 at 1:45 PM

    As we're close to hitting $10,000 and still have a month to run, we're saying a huge thankyou and turning towards an aspirational goal of $20,000.  Half of all funding over our original goal will help support the trailer (by paying for labour) - and the other half will go directly into the fund we use to do work for poorer folks in the community!  

    Please keep spreading the word and encouraging pledges to help us reach our aspirational goal of $20,000!

    A big day!

    08/03/2024 at 6:37 PM

    Today Cahoots was featured on RNZ and later the New Zealand Herald.  It's great to see so much support for the work Cahoots is doing!  The pledges today show just how much you all value our kaupapa and we want to give you all a huge thank you!  More to come soon :) 

    $1000 update!

    02/03/2024 at 4:35 PM

    Thank you! 
    A great start has taken us past $1000 - here's a little video update, thanks, and some fun info about building the trailer frame!

      Anonymous pledger
      09/04/2024 at 12:38pm
      Anonymous pledger
      08/04/2024 at 9:35pm
      08/04/2024 at 8:18pm

      "Love this concept, tempted to build one..."

      Ross Teppett/Not The Day Job
      04/04/2024 at 4:16pm

      "A really fantastic initiative!"

      Alex MacGibbon
      03/04/2024 at 9:08pm
      Geoff Stone
      31/03/2024 at 11:06am

      "I think what you're is fantastic! More power to you abs Cahoots."

      30/03/2024 at 10:12am
      Naomi 'noms' Smith
      27/03/2024 at 9:13pm

      "Epic kaupapa, wish you the best - thanks for existing and offering this mahi to our village city!"

      27/03/2024 at 6:37pm
      Bekki Young
      23/03/2024 at 1:24pm

      "Such inspiring mahi, good luck "

      Anonymous pledger
      22/03/2024 at 10:01pm
      Irina Ilyushkina
      18/03/2024 at 10:11pm
      Bridget Cassie
      16/03/2024 at 12:43pm

      "Kia Kaha e Waihanga hoa 🫶🏼"

      16/03/2024 at 12:03pm

      "Amazing mahi & kaupapa. So keen to support. "

      Anonymous pledger
      14/03/2024 at 1:46pm
      David ten Have
      14/03/2024 at 10:21am
      Andrew Weaver
      12/03/2024 at 5:34pm

      "Tautoko! Love this mahi"

      Anonymous pledger
      12/03/2024 at 4:33pm
      12/03/2024 at 4:14pm
      12/03/2024 at 6:54am

      "💖 "

      Jessica Matthews
      11/03/2024 at 8:28pm

      "Tautoko Jade! With best wishes from the Matthews family."

      Anonymous pledger
      11/03/2024 at 12:15pm
      Tim Hardie
      11/03/2024 at 4:19am
      Marianne Elliott
      10/03/2024 at 3:49pm
      Martyn Smith
      09/03/2024 at 3:44pm
      Anonymous pledger
      09/03/2024 at 2:34pm

      "Loved our pride ride to Cuba Street! Thank you so much Jade! "

      09/03/2024 at 9:37am

      "What a fantastic idea!! Keep up the great mahi <3 "

      John Barnes
      09/03/2024 at 9:29am

      "All power to you Jade. As a cyclist and a DIY person I applaud your enthusiasm and committment. Good show."

      Anonymous pledger
      09/03/2024 at 9:28am

      "You go, handy ma'am!"

      Chris Musther
      09/03/2024 at 7:56am

      "Really proud of you and what you're doing!"

      Followers of Launch Cahoots with the CRAB Trailer!

      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 09/04/2024 at 8:00 PM.
      Bloopers And Updates
      Thank You Video + Launch Party Invite!
      The CRAB Crew (for The Engineering Nerds!)
      Name On CRAB Trailer + Launch Party Invite!
      Upcycled Earring Holder Workshop + Launch Party Invite!
      Super Sponsor + Launch Party Invite!
      Logo Or Design On CRAB Trailer + Launch Party Invite!
      Palette Patio Furniture Workshop + Launch Party Invite!
      Pedicab In The Trailer + Launch Party Invite!