Norish Limited

By Gina Urlich


NZ $547,650 pledged

267 people pledged


NZ $350,000 minimum target





100 100% Complete

This campaign was successful and closed on 16/11/2023 at 7:00 PM.

Make a Pledge


Norish Limited

Introducing our Founder — Gina Urlich


An alarmingly high number of children are suffering the consequences of poor diets and a food system that is failing them.


At least 1 in 3 children under five is either undernourished or overweight. Almost 2 in 3 children between six months and two years of age are not fed food that supports their rapidly growing bodies and brains. This puts them at risk of poor brain development, weak learning, low immunity & increased infections. Increasing numbers of diet related diseases amongst our younger generation is a global concern. There is a heavy reliance on commercial baby food that drives a lot of these diseases.


Norish was developed to fill the void in the market & offer parents convenience without compromising on quality.


In the 16 years that I have been a mother, the only innovative change the baby food industry has seen has been in the packaging and not the food itself.


As a mother of four, nurse & clinical nutritionist I knew there had to be healthier options for busy & overwhelmed parents. My goal was to create a transparent alternative that wouldn’t just enrich children’s lives but also make life easier for parents. It had to be quick, easy, convenient, wholesome and tasty. It had to be backed by evidence, but led with heart.


Ready-made baby and toddler foods should promote good health and good dietary habits.


Introducing NORISH, a category-changing baby food developed in New Zealand. Freeze-dried to offer convenience, concentrated nutrition & peace of mind for parents.


We’re raising investment to accelerate our growth and impact. Join us in shaping the future of children’s nutrition and invest in Norish.


Gina Urlich



Investment Highlights

• Founded by Gina Urlich, a trusted & influential voice in the nutrition space with an interactive online community of over 40,000.

• Norish is a well known & trusted brand with a strong social media presence of over 15,000 over instagram & facebook.

• Strong brand values & commitment to being a transparent & sustainable business.

• Eight food products have been released. The formulation for six further products prepared to launch Q1 2024

• Norish is sitting proudly on the shelves of 35 stores throughout NZ. Including Nature Baby, Huckleberry, GoodFor & Health Post.

• Expand growth internationally with a planned launch into Australia in Jan 2024 and a plan to fast follow into Asia in 2024

Read our full Information Memorandum here


Industry Trends


The global baby food market was valued at $67.8 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $116.5 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2022 to 2031. The market is dominated by multinational companies offering competitively priced on the go products with little nutritional value.


The rise in ‘clean whole foods’, particularly for children has forced these companies to re-look at their product offering and we are now seeing more organic and ‘natural’ lines added to their range. However, the manufacturing process has remained the same which effectively negates the added nutrition they are marketing and doesn’t improve and we don’t think it improves of the trust that has been lost in these brands through articles published on the poor nutritional value they represent and large use of ‘fillers’ to keep costs down.


Over 75% of mothers enter back into the workforce in the postpartum period. Convenience is almost a necessity for the modern-day family & it shouldn’t be at the expense of the children’s health.


All children deserve the best start in life, ensuring they can grow and develop in the healthiest way possible. New research reveals two thirds (67%) of baby and toddler foods in NZ & Australian supermarkets fail to meet 7 nutrition recommendations set by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European office.


Foods for toddlers performed worst, with a shocking 9 in 10 toddler foods failing nutrition recommendations.


Iodine deficiency is the main cause of brain damage in childhood. It results in impaired cognitive development & motor development. NZ & Australian soil is depleted in this essential mineral due to modern farming practices.


The baby food category is dominated by highly processed nutrient-devoid purées and toddler snacks, with more than half the purées sold in the supermarkets containing 16g of sugar (four teaspoons) in a single serve.


Products are dressed up as from whole foods with nutritional benefits - the category is awash with misinformation. Convenient food options that deliver the nutritional needs of babies and young children, while meeting the expectations of parents who are looking for quality, whole food experiences for their families, are sorely lacking.



Read our full Information Memorandum here


Our Why


Our purpose is to decrease diet-related diseases by enriching families lives through nutrient-dense whole foods.


Our Products


The current NORISH range includes four puree sachets. Designed as first foods for babies, these provide a wholesome meal and are a healthy solution to instant baby food. Simply add water to the puree powder and you have all the benefits of mother nature’s gifts ready within minutes.



We know that nourishing your family is an ongoing labour of love, which is why we have developed the NORISH cans. This range combines the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet to boost family meals and smoothies. These are designed to nourish babies but are so tasty and nutritious, the whole family will love them.




New products to be launched in FY23.


The plant-based space is another emerging opportunity in baby food, due to the rise of flexitarian consumers in Western markets. Millennials, the consumer segment that represents the bulk of new parents, are also the generation that consume plant-based dairy more regularly. And considering that nearly 40% of consumers choose these alternatives “to feel healthier”, the habit is likely to be passed on to their offspring. New Category Introductions in FY24 Toddler supplements & ready meals.


Read our full Information Memorandum here


Our Platforms for Growth

Prospects in New Zealand - The New Zealand market for commercially manufactured baby food sits at around $40m pa in sales each year and is growing at just under 5% each year CAGR (2022-2026).


Our primary focus for the upcoming year will be on enhancing our direct-to-consumer sales via our website and shopping channels on social media platforms. With the ever-increasing availability of consumer goods online and the advent of social shopping, we believe our robust presence on social media provides an exceptional opportunity for deeper e-commerce penetration.


We are currently stocked in 35 independent retailers across New Zealand. Our acceptance into Foodstuffs NI is a significant milestone, and we are eagerly awaiting our activation date.


Prospects in Australia - The Australian market for commercially manufactured baby food sits at around $200m pa in sales each year and is growing at just under 5% each year CAGR (2022-2026). Our first market of call is Australia, with a 3PL engaged, our marketing agency engaged and our administration aligned to launch ticked off. Our Australia launch is forecast for January 2024.



Prospects in Asia - Asia accounts for 89% of all baby food sales globally and as such will be a priority. With China’s forecasted growth and Japans spend per capita these two countries could be targeted first.


You can read our comprehensive analysis of our platforms for growth in our full investment document here.


Our People


Gina Urlich

Gina has a background in nursing and spent over a decade working in the gynaecology oncology & maternity ward at the Mater Mothers Hospital in South Brisbane. She holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine and has been running a busy private practice for the past 10 years specialising in women’s health and infant nutrition.


Gina has two staff consulting under her guidelines to keep up with the high demand of consultation services. She has a large engaged online community of over 40,000 which provides valuable insights into the market and customer base.


Gina drives the strategic vision of NORISH & remains invested in overseeing all parts of the company. She is a trusted leading nutritionist in the infant and children’s health space and is on the expert panel for an international baby formula company as well as being a wife and mother to four children.


Mike Robertson

Mike began his career in FMCG at Chelsea Sugar before becoming part of the Unilever graduate programme. He moved quickly through Unilever eventually becoming Marketing Manager for the spreads category. His New Zealand launch of Olivio for Unilever was the most successful anywhere in the world.


During his time at Colenso BBDO he pitched to win the V business and was instrumental in developing the “Bug” campaign which still runs to this day. In 2006 he set up operations for Cowan NZ, a FMCG brand and packaging design agency, and grew it into a market leader in 5 short years.


Mike started Unified in 2012 and quickly established a market leadership position with a list of blue chip clients. At Unified he has developed an innovative approach to consumer insights which ensures the consumers voice sits at the centre of everything Unified do.


He has been brand strategist for the Wattie’s brand over the past 17 years and oversaw the restage that returned a proud Sir James Wattie’s wordmark to the brand. Mike is brand strategist for Ziwi Peak and part of the team that saw its exponential growth in export markets resulting in the recent $1.5 billion sale. Mike has worked in baby food for over 15 years in Australia & New Zealand and has an in-depth knowledge of the category. A passionate FMCGer with a love for food and cooking Mike lives in Auckland with his wife and three boys.


Brooke Wielinga

Brooke has a strong finance and business background. Her current role sees her day-to-day as the director and owner of Ascend Chartered Accounting firm based in Hawke’s Bay.


Brooke’s FMCG background started at Apollo Foods (The Apple Press) CFO. Launching a household beverage brand domestically and into export markets. A key deliverable of her role at The Apple Press being the management of a $40m plant build and developing a toll processing relationship with Fonterra Brands NZ for their flavoured milk production. Prior to The Apple Press, Brooke worked as a Senior Investment and Operations Analyst for a private equity firm in London. Successfully leading teams to increase efficiency and productivity whilst reducing costs and inefficiencies. Brooke’s work saw her leading companies in South Korea, Canada and the UK.


In 2022 Brooke graduated from Otago University with a Master of Business with first class honours all while being a mother to two young boys (4 & 2).


Atma Okan

Meet Atma Okan, a remarkable professional known for her talent in operational excellence. With over 20 years of experience, she has held the position of Managing Director for Ashram Yoga Ltd and more recently served as the Operations Manager for Hachi Ltd, trading as Lilybee Wraps.


Atma has a true gift for building strong working relationships and making administrative tasks a breeze. Her infectious sense of humour adds an extra spark to any environment, and she genuinely understands the importance of community and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


You can read more about our team, including our advisors, in the information memorandum. 


Read our full Information Memorandum here

Our Share Offer


We are offering up to 850,000 non-voting shares through this campaign at $1 each which will equate to a total of 15.42% of the shares in Norish Limited. We are raising a minimum of $350,000 and a maximum of $850,000. The minimum individual investment is $500 for 500 non-voting shares.


We are doing a $150,000 round simultaneously with wholesale investors with the goal of raising $500,000 total minimum and $1million maximum. We have shown the impact of this wholesale investment in the share table in our full investment document here.


Share classes

Those investing between $500 and $49,999 will receive non-voting investor class shares (Investor Class Shares). Those investing $50,000 or more will receive Ordinary Shares. Ordinary Shares will have the same rights as existing shareholders in Norish Limited, including the right to vote at shareholders’ meetings. Further information on the rights and restrictions associated with each share class are clearly outlined in the Norish Limited Constitution. We plan to adopt this constitution before the campaign closes. You should read this before subscribing for any shares.


The legal title in all Investor Class Shares in Norish Limited will be held by a nominee company on trust for crowdfunding investors. The terms on which the Nominee will hold the Investor Class Shares are in the section of the Information Memorandum headed Nominee Shareholding Structure and in the Nominee Deed Poll. It is important that you read that section and the Deed Poll.

Our Financials


You can read our historic and forecast financials in our full investment document here.


A robust integrated financial model has been developed specific to Norish’s business and operating model. All financial projections are based on the inputs into the model forming the future financial performance and assume the company is successful in raising the minimum funding target of $500k across this raise and the wholesale round. You can read our full assumptions in the full investment document here.


Risk Mitigation


Quality Control - High Risk

Baby food is a highly sensitive category and recalls make headlines. We have strict quality assurance processes in place that ensure all of our ingredients are purchased from approved suppliers and tested for safety before they are delivered. We manufacture our finished goods at MPI certified sites to ensure all of our products are manufactured to the highest standards of safety and quality. We also work closely with external consultants in regards to product formulations and label claims.


Working Capital - High Risk

Working capital is key to our ability to grow globally and achieve momentum and size. This capital raise will provide sufficient cash to execute growth initiatives without creating undue additional pressure on working capital allocated to other parts of the business.


Finance - Medium Risk

Our Finance team monitor working capital on a daily basis and provide weekly reporting to the executive management team.


Economic Downturn - Medium Risk

Our high end consumers will always have money to spend on their child making our niche less susceptible to the current downturn. Our direct to consumer e-commerce model allows us to sell cross-border to consumers all around the globe, minimising the risk of an economic downturn in a single country severely impacting our cash flow. With the rise of cross-border online shopping, D2C business models are one of the safest ways to ensure business continuity. To drive customer retention we will be investing in leading edge technology focused on the customer experience and analysts which will allow us to maintain a nimble fixed cost structure built for scale should we be impacted by any economic downturns in the future.


Competition - Medium Risk

Competition in the category is to be expected however the multinational nature of the category, our high end customer and selling model means we can focus on delivering our proposition. With Gina leading our exciting NPD programme we will be constantly innovating and diversifying our product offering to stay ahead of our competitors. To further mitigate the risk of competitive intensity, we will continue to focus on product quality, sustainability, transparency, social responsibility and superior customer service to drive brand loyalty. Our design-led approach to product innovation will ensure that what we bring to market will add the value to families lives.


Manufacture & Supply - Low Risk

Our freeze-dried technology means we can forecast & stock build ingredients in season & retain a minimum 2 year shelf life to ensure seasonal produce at the best prices. We conduct demand planning monthly for all of the products in our supplement and skincare ranges. We have rolling forecasts that look up to 18 months in advance and work closely with our suppliers and manufacturers to ensure they are aware of our upcoming demand.


Strategic Implementation - Low Risk

We have successfully managed our business to date with limited funds sourced primarily from cash flow and an initial raise. With this additional capital raise, we will be able to launch into export markets that require significant financial investment. We have an established Advisory Board and work with market-leading external agencies to help us achieve our strategies. R


Recruit & Retain - Low Risk

As a small company, the departure of a senior member of our team could impact our ability to execute upon our strategic plan. We have key person insurance for Gina in place. NORISH will develop as a most preferred employer true to its character of knowledgeable, capable and caring with a commitment to the Living Wage, paying market level (or above) remuneration,offering preferential and flexible working hours, an employee discount scheme, We maintain a values-led culture and have an appealing brand story. We are confident we will be able to recruit additional top-tier personnel as required.



Note from PledgeMe

We have completed Equifax checks on the Norish Limited and their Directors, as well as Google and Insolvency checks. There were no adverse findings.


Read our full Information Memorandum here

Updates 6

You need to pledge to see this update.

You need to pledge to see this update.

We made it! Only $300k left.

15/11/2023 at 2:07 PM

We are so grateful & to be honest quite emotional about the support that has come our way in the past month. This equity crowdfunding capital raise really cements the community & purpose behind Norish & we couldn’t be more proud.


The comments rolling through on PledgeMe are so beautiful & heartfelt.


Because of the large investor coming in, we’ve reduced our maximum goal on PledgeMe to $700,000. This means there’s only $300k worth of shares left for our community to purchase.


Huge thanks to all 173 of you who have invested in us. Thank you for the support & we are thrilled to have you on this journey with us.


Gina & the Norish team

Over $230k pledged! 3 days to go.

13/11/2023 at 3:13 PM

We’re celebrating a lot of things this week - the biggest is us cracking the $200,000 pledged mark! With 100 pledgers we’re now sitting at $233,150, which means we are now 67% funded, with 3 days to go. Thank you to everyone who has pledged.


The team at PledgeMe tell me that there’s this thing called deadline magic - where most of the pledges come in the final few days as people do what people do - sneak in just before the deadline. Please, if you want to relieve some of my stress and haven't already- pledge now :) Here’s the link again:  The campaign is closing at 7pm on Thursday, 16 November.


We’re also celebrating the fact that we’re preparing to roll out in New World. Currently we’re in retail 35 stores - and getting into New World would really push up our sales & brand exposure.


We have big ambitions to grow - because we want to grow our impact but also because we want to grow our return for shareholders. We want to follow in the footsteps of founders like Brianne West, who grew Ethique with the support of her crowd and provided a 48-times return to her earliest crowdfunding investors.


Thanks for all your support with this campaign, we can’t wait to welcome you into the Norish family.



So much interest our product SOLD OUT!

31/10/2023 at 11:20 AM

To our beautiful Norish friends & fans,


Between awards & equity there has been a lot of visits to our website!


We are so humbled by your support over the last two weeks - for the second year in a row NORISH has won the children's health category for Best of Natural Awards & there are now 77 of you who have pledged over $156,000 towards our goal of $350,000 for our equity crowdfunding!


Not only have we had people showing their support and interest by investing - we’ve also had people showing their interest in our mission by buying our products. So many in fact, we ran out! We’re working hard to restock our range, but we think this shows the interest in feeding our babies better is growing.


We’ve also had some interesting approaches the last two weeks from potential distributors - which has led to some early and exciting conversations. Again, it’s clear to us that there are ways we can grow Norish into new markets, and now distributors are coming to us!


Thanks again for all your support - all your pledges, comments, shares and kind words mean the world!


Please keep sharing our purpose-led brand with those you think might be interested in investing. We are very excited for this next chapter.


Warm regards, Gina & the Norish team.

One week in and almost halfway!

25/10/2023 at 8:49 PM

Thanks so much for investing in us. It means the world to us, and our plans. Watching you all pledging in those first few hours and days has been such an amazing validation of what we have achieved so far and what we want to do - thank you. 


In order to get to our goal, we need to make a bit of noise about this campaign. Can you help us?


  1. Could you share our campaign through social media, and share why you’ve supported us?

  2. Could you forward our IM and campaign page to five people that you think might be interested?


We are also hosting an Instagram Live tomorrow night (Thursday, 26 October) at 8pm. Just head over to our instagram page (@gina.urlich) then, and you’ll be able to watch our pitch - and ask me questions. I’ll have Anna from PledgeMe there as well to answer any questions you might have about equity crowdfunding.


Thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to having you as a vital part of our growing family.


Warm regards,

Gina & the Norish team.


    Offer Details

    Current Valuation 4,054,400
    Raise Minimum 350,000
    Raise Maximum 700,000
    Share Price 1.00
    Minimum Pledge 500.00
    Maximum Shares Offered 700,000
    Explanation of valuation:

    Financial Summary

    Prev Year Current Year Est. FY 2026 Est. FY 2027
    Revenue NZ $339,035 NZ $913,088 NZ $3,899,121 NZ $9,342,902
    Operating Expenses NZ $304,482 NZ $779,513 NZ $1,458,519 NZ $1,903,872
    EBITDA -NZ $143,332 -NZ $186,108 NZ $965,360 NZ $3,216,833
    Net Profit -NZ $143,332 -NZ $186,108 NZ $787,302 NZ $2,316,120

    Company Details

    Company Name: Norish Limited

    Company Number: 8180946

    Company Documents

    Documents no longer available to download, as this campaign has closed

    Director Details

    Name Role Profile URL Invested?
    Gina Urlich Director/CEO
    Dylan Urlich Director

    Questions 6

    Hi, new to PledgeMe so I apologise for the silly question. Do investors who pledge have the responsibility to put in more money (based on their investment) if the company goes into trouble, as shareholders/directors in other companies do? Thank you

    Posted on 13-11-2023 by Natasha

    Kia ora Natasha, Anna here from PledgeMe. If you become a shareholder in Norish, you are not expected or required to invest again in the future. Here's some more information about what it means to become a shareholder:

    Answered on 14-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

    Thanks Gina, so nothing contracted in yet for Australia? As for the FY26 financials, is that taking the planned Asian expansion into account? Moving from less than $400k to $9m+ in revenue in 3 years is a substantial estimation. Are there Asia-based (China/Japan) distributors in place already?
    Can you please also advise if there was any Independent advice given for this pre-money valuation? I note on page 48 that this was provided to you by your board and validated by your accountant and that you have accountants on your board (pg13)? Thanks, hoping to invest but need a couple of crucial gaps in the IM filled first please.
    Regards, Si

    Posted on 09-11-2023 by Simon

    Hi Simon,
    We appreciate the thoroughness of your inquiry.

    Currently, we've adopted a per capita & market size strategy based on our traction in NZ and our expansion into new export markets. While we've formed relationships with distribution channels, formal contracts are still pending. After the campaign's conclusion on Wednesday, we plan to advance our strategy and finalise contracts.

    In terms of valuation, we've engaged in discussions with formal valuation companies. However, given stage of the business and cost of an independent valuation, we decided not to complete a formal valuations at this point. Our current valuation is based on a hybrid of financial performance (current sales x future expected EBITDA performance) as well as intangible assets and value. We have two accountants on our advisory board who bring a wealth of FMCG experience.

    We look forward to having you join our crowdfunding campaign.

    Kindest regards, Gina

    Answered on 14-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

    Can you please offer a breakdown of where this substantial increase in revenue is being generated offshore? Ie, are there distribution contracts in place already prior to your launch into Australia/Asia? I note that you have already been selling into Australia since inception, so would like to understand more around how sales will ramp up there. I understand you've offered a 'Per Capita' estimation here, however in my experience in is very difficult to assume an 'apples for apples' approach when factoring in export markets. Thank you in advance

    Posted on 30-10-2023 by Simon

    Hello Simon, you're absolutely right. Norish has been shipping to the Australian market from the very beginning, and our sales there have grown organically without any specific marketing efforts. We are having wholesale opportunities from Australia come to us & regular requests online for Norish to be available in AU. We've made sales forecasts based on per capita estimations and have built robust relationships with two of our existing wholesale partners in New Zealand, which we intend to extend into the Australian market. We acknowledge that the Australian market is not an exact replica of our current situation in New Zealand, and our entry into these new markets is a carefully strategised endeavour.
    Regards, Gina

    Answered on 05-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

    What was the actual pre-money valuation amount for the 2022 capital raise?

    Posted on 26-10-2023 by Cristian

    Hi Cristian, the pre-money valuation in 2022 is a private agreement between the shareholders. It was at a slightly lower valuation reflected in earlier traction as well as bringing on an experienced advisory board. Thanks

    Answered on 05-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

    What was the pre-money valuation of your last year's capital raise and how much did you raise?
    When did Norish get the $25k from the Ministry of Awesome and was it a loan or an equity investment?

    Posted on 20-10-2023 by Cristian

    Hi Cristian,

    Our early investment round was at a lower valuation as we were earlier in our traction, and wanting to get our advisors on board.

    The Ministry of Awesome prize was a SAFE which converted as part of this round to shares. You can see that in our capitalisation table in the IM.
    Thanks for your questions.

    Answered on 25-10-2023 by Gina Urlich

    1. could you please confirm my reading of the financial summary table on the web page ("Details").
    [Revenue- Operating Expenses] doesn't equal EBITDA which needs explanation. This is because the table doesn't include Cost of Goods Sold (ref p52 of the IM)? Confirm?
    2. Assuming that's the case is there a reason the gross profit improves to 60% cause that seems like good progress?
    3. Finally p54 "Overhead assumptions" - is there a missing sentence at the end of that section?

    Posted on 19-10-2023 by Josh Forde

    Hi Josh, thanks for the questions.
    Q1: Confirming the table on the PledgeMe Website is high-level financial information and it does not include COGS. That level of detail is available in the IM on page 52 as you’ve noted.
    Q2: YTD actual GP % sitting at 56.5% so an increase of 3.5% which is due to “new” stock being sold with lower production costs due to larger production runs and therefore hitting price breaks in terms of minimum order quantities. The slight decline of GP within FY25 and FY26 is due to the mix of e-commerce sales and wholesale sales assumptions changing, with an increased play in wholesale.
    Q3: Originally there was a table of our internal resource onboarding strategy, so the last sentence is a little out of context. We are happy to talk to our internal resource onboarding strategy with you however.

    Answered on 25-10-2023 by Gina Urlich

    Pledgers 267

    Celeste Cole
    07/11/2023 at 7:35pm
    Emma Doyle
    06/11/2023 at 7:55pm
    06/11/2023 at 6:17pm
    Anna Hart
    06/11/2023 at 12:32pm
    Nicky Schrader
    04/11/2023 at 8:35pm
    Josh Forde
    01/11/2023 at 10:29am
    Patriot Investment Group
    01/11/2023 at 9:29am
    01/11/2023 at 7:22am

    "All the best Gina!"

    Wentian Gao
    30/10/2023 at 9:55pm
    30/10/2023 at 9:01pm

    "All the best! "

    30/10/2023 at 2:51pm
    30/10/2023 at 1:52am
    Laura Cibilich
    29/10/2023 at 9:04pm
    Jeska McHugh
    28/10/2023 at 9:48am
    Sarah Morley
    27/10/2023 at 12:01pm
    Angela O'Brien
    27/10/2023 at 6:24am
    Kristin leckie
    26/10/2023 at 8:56pm

    "Excellent idea I hope you reach your target to provide better nourishing baby food globally ,sending positive thoughts 😀 "

    Lisa Lafou
    26/10/2023 at 8:37pm
    Louise Easton
    26/10/2023 at 8:01pm
    James Corbett
    26/10/2023 at 4:52pm

    "Great initiative and should be the pharmacy channel for sure!"

    John O'Hara
    26/10/2023 at 3:20pm
    Suzanne McNamara
    26/10/2023 at 9:27am

    "Good luck with the crowdfund"

    Lara Nash
    25/10/2023 at 10:07pm

    "Thankyou for providing a healthy option for our bubbas "

    24/10/2023 at 9:57pm
    Monique Brough
    23/10/2023 at 3:55am
    Richard Barge
    22/10/2023 at 12:53pm
    Anna Guenther
    21/10/2023 at 4:26pm
    Libby cain
    20/10/2023 at 9:37am
    Silvia Zuur
    19/10/2023 at 5:52pm
    Alicia McKay
    19/10/2023 at 5:29pm

    Norish Limited

    Introducing our Founder — Gina Urlich


    An alarmingly high number of children are suffering the consequences of poor diets and a food system that is failing them.


    At least 1 in 3 children under five is either undernourished or overweight. Almost 2 in 3 children between six months and two years of age are not fed food that supports their rapidly growing bodies and brains. This puts them at risk of poor brain development, weak learning, low immunity & increased infections. Increasing numbers of diet related diseases amongst our younger generation is a global concern. There is a heavy reliance on commercial baby food that drives a lot of these diseases.


    Norish was developed to fill the void in the market & offer parents convenience without compromising on quality.


    In the 16 years that I have been a mother, the only innovative change the baby food industry has seen has been in the packaging and not the food itself.


    As a mother of four, nurse & clinical nutritionist I knew there had to be healthier options for busy & overwhelmed parents. My goal was to create a transparent alternative that wouldn’t just enrich children’s lives but also make life easier for parents. It had to be quick, easy, convenient, wholesome and tasty. It had to be backed by evidence, but led with heart.


    Ready-made baby and toddler foods should promote good health and good dietary habits.


    Introducing NORISH, a category-changing baby food developed in New Zealand. Freeze-dried to offer convenience, concentrated nutrition & peace of mind for parents.


    We’re raising investment to accelerate our growth and impact. Join us in shaping the future of children’s nutrition and invest in Norish.


    Gina Urlich



    Investment Highlights

    • Founded by Gina Urlich, a trusted & influential voice in the nutrition space with an interactive online community of over 40,000.

    • Norish is a well known & trusted brand with a strong social media presence of over 15,000 over instagram & facebook.

    • Strong brand values & commitment to being a transparent & sustainable business.

    • Eight food products have been released. The formulation for six further products prepared to launch Q1 2024

    • Norish is sitting proudly on the shelves of 35 stores throughout NZ. Including Nature Baby, Huckleberry, GoodFor & Health Post.

    • Expand growth internationally with a planned launch into Australia in Jan 2024 and a plan to fast follow into Asia in 2024

    Read our full Information Memorandum here


    Industry Trends


    The global baby food market was valued at $67.8 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $116.5 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 5.7% from 2022 to 2031. The market is dominated by multinational companies offering competitively priced on the go products with little nutritional value.


    The rise in ‘clean whole foods’, particularly for children has forced these companies to re-look at their product offering and we are now seeing more organic and ‘natural’ lines added to their range. However, the manufacturing process has remained the same which effectively negates the added nutrition they are marketing and doesn’t improve and we don’t think it improves of the trust that has been lost in these brands through articles published on the poor nutritional value they represent and large use of ‘fillers’ to keep costs down.


    Over 75% of mothers enter back into the workforce in the postpartum period. Convenience is almost a necessity for the modern-day family & it shouldn’t be at the expense of the children’s health.


    All children deserve the best start in life, ensuring they can grow and develop in the healthiest way possible. New research reveals two thirds (67%) of baby and toddler foods in NZ & Australian supermarkets fail to meet 7 nutrition recommendations set by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European office.


    Foods for toddlers performed worst, with a shocking 9 in 10 toddler foods failing nutrition recommendations.


    Iodine deficiency is the main cause of brain damage in childhood. It results in impaired cognitive development & motor development. NZ & Australian soil is depleted in this essential mineral due to modern farming practices.


    The baby food category is dominated by highly processed nutrient-devoid purées and toddler snacks, with more than half the purées sold in the supermarkets containing 16g of sugar (four teaspoons) in a single serve.


    Products are dressed up as from whole foods with nutritional benefits - the category is awash with misinformation. Convenient food options that deliver the nutritional needs of babies and young children, while meeting the expectations of parents who are looking for quality, whole food experiences for their families, are sorely lacking.



    Read our full Information Memorandum here


    Our Why


    Our purpose is to decrease diet-related diseases by enriching families lives through nutrient-dense whole foods.


    Our Products


    The current NORISH range includes four puree sachets. Designed as first foods for babies, these provide a wholesome meal and are a healthy solution to instant baby food. Simply add water to the puree powder and you have all the benefits of mother nature’s gifts ready within minutes.



    We know that nourishing your family is an ongoing labour of love, which is why we have developed the NORISH cans. This range combines the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet to boost family meals and smoothies. These are designed to nourish babies but are so tasty and nutritious, the whole family will love them.




    New products to be launched in FY23.


    The plant-based space is another emerging opportunity in baby food, due to the rise of flexitarian consumers in Western markets. Millennials, the consumer segment that represents the bulk of new parents, are also the generation that consume plant-based dairy more regularly. And considering that nearly 40% of consumers choose these alternatives “to feel healthier”, the habit is likely to be passed on to their offspring. New Category Introductions in FY24 Toddler supplements & ready meals.


    Read our full Information Memorandum here


    Our Platforms for Growth

    Prospects in New Zealand - The New Zealand market for commercially manufactured baby food sits at around $40m pa in sales each year and is growing at just under 5% each year CAGR (2022-2026).


    Our primary focus for the upcoming year will be on enhancing our direct-to-consumer sales via our website and shopping channels on social media platforms. With the ever-increasing availability of consumer goods online and the advent of social shopping, we believe our robust presence on social media provides an exceptional opportunity for deeper e-commerce penetration.


    We are currently stocked in 35 independent retailers across New Zealand. Our acceptance into Foodstuffs NI is a significant milestone, and we are eagerly awaiting our activation date.


    Prospects in Australia - The Australian market for commercially manufactured baby food sits at around $200m pa in sales each year and is growing at just under 5% each year CAGR (2022-2026). Our first market of call is Australia, with a 3PL engaged, our marketing agency engaged and our administration aligned to launch ticked off. Our Australia launch is forecast for January 2024.



    Prospects in Asia - Asia accounts for 89% of all baby food sales globally and as such will be a priority. With China’s forecasted growth and Japans spend per capita these two countries could be targeted first.


    You can read our comprehensive analysis of our platforms for growth in our full investment document here.


    Our People


    Gina Urlich

    Gina has a background in nursing and spent over a decade working in the gynaecology oncology & maternity ward at the Mater Mothers Hospital in South Brisbane. She holds a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine and has been running a busy private practice for the past 10 years specialising in women’s health and infant nutrition.


    Gina has two staff consulting under her guidelines to keep up with the high demand of consultation services. She has a large engaged online community of over 40,000 which provides valuable insights into the market and customer base.


    Gina drives the strategic vision of NORISH & remains invested in overseeing all parts of the company. She is a trusted leading nutritionist in the infant and children’s health space and is on the expert panel for an international baby formula company as well as being a wife and mother to four children.


    Mike Robertson

    Mike began his career in FMCG at Chelsea Sugar before becoming part of the Unilever graduate programme. He moved quickly through Unilever eventually becoming Marketing Manager for the spreads category. His New Zealand launch of Olivio for Unilever was the most successful anywhere in the world.


    During his time at Colenso BBDO he pitched to win the V business and was instrumental in developing the “Bug” campaign which still runs to this day. In 2006 he set up operations for Cowan NZ, a FMCG brand and packaging design agency, and grew it into a market leader in 5 short years.


    Mike started Unified in 2012 and quickly established a market leadership position with a list of blue chip clients. At Unified he has developed an innovative approach to consumer insights which ensures the consumers voice sits at the centre of everything Unified do.


    He has been brand strategist for the Wattie’s brand over the past 17 years and oversaw the restage that returned a proud Sir James Wattie’s wordmark to the brand. Mike is brand strategist for Ziwi Peak and part of the team that saw its exponential growth in export markets resulting in the recent $1.5 billion sale. Mike has worked in baby food for over 15 years in Australia & New Zealand and has an in-depth knowledge of the category. A passionate FMCGer with a love for food and cooking Mike lives in Auckland with his wife and three boys.


    Brooke Wielinga

    Brooke has a strong finance and business background. Her current role sees her day-to-day as the director and owner of Ascend Chartered Accounting firm based in Hawke’s Bay.


    Brooke’s FMCG background started at Apollo Foods (The Apple Press) CFO. Launching a household beverage brand domestically and into export markets. A key deliverable of her role at The Apple Press being the management of a $40m plant build and developing a toll processing relationship with Fonterra Brands NZ for their flavoured milk production. Prior to The Apple Press, Brooke worked as a Senior Investment and Operations Analyst for a private equity firm in London. Successfully leading teams to increase efficiency and productivity whilst reducing costs and inefficiencies. Brooke’s work saw her leading companies in South Korea, Canada and the UK.


    In 2022 Brooke graduated from Otago University with a Master of Business with first class honours all while being a mother to two young boys (4 & 2).


    Atma Okan

    Meet Atma Okan, a remarkable professional known for her talent in operational excellence. With over 20 years of experience, she has held the position of Managing Director for Ashram Yoga Ltd and more recently served as the Operations Manager for Hachi Ltd, trading as Lilybee Wraps.


    Atma has a true gift for building strong working relationships and making administrative tasks a breeze. Her infectious sense of humour adds an extra spark to any environment, and she genuinely understands the importance of community and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


    You can read more about our team, including our advisors, in the information memorandum. 


    Read our full Information Memorandum here

    Our Share Offer


    We are offering up to 850,000 non-voting shares through this campaign at $1 each which will equate to a total of 15.42% of the shares in Norish Limited. We are raising a minimum of $350,000 and a maximum of $850,000. The minimum individual investment is $500 for 500 non-voting shares.


    We are doing a $150,000 round simultaneously with wholesale investors with the goal of raising $500,000 total minimum and $1million maximum. We have shown the impact of this wholesale investment in the share table in our full investment document here.


    Share classes

    Those investing between $500 and $49,999 will receive non-voting investor class shares (Investor Class Shares). Those investing $50,000 or more will receive Ordinary Shares. Ordinary Shares will have the same rights as existing shareholders in Norish Limited, including the right to vote at shareholders’ meetings. Further information on the rights and restrictions associated with each share class are clearly outlined in the Norish Limited Constitution. We plan to adopt this constitution before the campaign closes. You should read this before subscribing for any shares.


    The legal title in all Investor Class Shares in Norish Limited will be held by a nominee company on trust for crowdfunding investors. The terms on which the Nominee will hold the Investor Class Shares are in the section of the Information Memorandum headed Nominee Shareholding Structure and in the Nominee Deed Poll. It is important that you read that section and the Deed Poll.

    Our Financials


    You can read our historic and forecast financials in our full investment document here.


    A robust integrated financial model has been developed specific to Norish’s business and operating model. All financial projections are based on the inputs into the model forming the future financial performance and assume the company is successful in raising the minimum funding target of $500k across this raise and the wholesale round. You can read our full assumptions in the full investment document here.


    Risk Mitigation


    Quality Control - High Risk

    Baby food is a highly sensitive category and recalls make headlines. We have strict quality assurance processes in place that ensure all of our ingredients are purchased from approved suppliers and tested for safety before they are delivered. We manufacture our finished goods at MPI certified sites to ensure all of our products are manufactured to the highest standards of safety and quality. We also work closely with external consultants in regards to product formulations and label claims.


    Working Capital - High Risk

    Working capital is key to our ability to grow globally and achieve momentum and size. This capital raise will provide sufficient cash to execute growth initiatives without creating undue additional pressure on working capital allocated to other parts of the business.


    Finance - Medium Risk

    Our Finance team monitor working capital on a daily basis and provide weekly reporting to the executive management team.


    Economic Downturn - Medium Risk

    Our high end consumers will always have money to spend on their child making our niche less susceptible to the current downturn. Our direct to consumer e-commerce model allows us to sell cross-border to consumers all around the globe, minimising the risk of an economic downturn in a single country severely impacting our cash flow. With the rise of cross-border online shopping, D2C business models are one of the safest ways to ensure business continuity. To drive customer retention we will be investing in leading edge technology focused on the customer experience and analysts which will allow us to maintain a nimble fixed cost structure built for scale should we be impacted by any economic downturns in the future.


    Competition - Medium Risk

    Competition in the category is to be expected however the multinational nature of the category, our high end customer and selling model means we can focus on delivering our proposition. With Gina leading our exciting NPD programme we will be constantly innovating and diversifying our product offering to stay ahead of our competitors. To further mitigate the risk of competitive intensity, we will continue to focus on product quality, sustainability, transparency, social responsibility and superior customer service to drive brand loyalty. Our design-led approach to product innovation will ensure that what we bring to market will add the value to families lives.


    Manufacture & Supply - Low Risk

    Our freeze-dried technology means we can forecast & stock build ingredients in season & retain a minimum 2 year shelf life to ensure seasonal produce at the best prices. We conduct demand planning monthly for all of the products in our supplement and skincare ranges. We have rolling forecasts that look up to 18 months in advance and work closely with our suppliers and manufacturers to ensure they are aware of our upcoming demand.


    Strategic Implementation - Low Risk

    We have successfully managed our business to date with limited funds sourced primarily from cash flow and an initial raise. With this additional capital raise, we will be able to launch into export markets that require significant financial investment. We have an established Advisory Board and work with market-leading external agencies to help us achieve our strategies. R


    Recruit & Retain - Low Risk

    As a small company, the departure of a senior member of our team could impact our ability to execute upon our strategic plan. We have key person insurance for Gina in place. NORISH will develop as a most preferred employer true to its character of knowledgeable, capable and caring with a commitment to the Living Wage, paying market level (or above) remuneration,offering preferential and flexible working hours, an employee discount scheme, We maintain a values-led culture and have an appealing brand story. We are confident we will be able to recruit additional top-tier personnel as required.



    Note from PledgeMe

    We have completed Equifax checks on the Norish Limited and their Directors, as well as Google and Insolvency checks. There were no adverse findings.


    Read our full Information Memorandum here

    You need to pledge to see this update.

    You need to pledge to see this update.

    We made it! Only $300k left.

    15/11/2023 at 2:07 PM

    We are so grateful & to be honest quite emotional about the support that has come our way in the past month. This equity crowdfunding capital raise really cements the community & purpose behind Norish & we couldn’t be more proud.


    The comments rolling through on PledgeMe are so beautiful & heartfelt.


    Because of the large investor coming in, we’ve reduced our maximum goal on PledgeMe to $700,000. This means there’s only $300k worth of shares left for our community to purchase.


    Huge thanks to all 173 of you who have invested in us. Thank you for the support & we are thrilled to have you on this journey with us.


    Gina & the Norish team

    Over $230k pledged! 3 days to go.

    13/11/2023 at 3:13 PM

    We’re celebrating a lot of things this week - the biggest is us cracking the $200,000 pledged mark! With 100 pledgers we’re now sitting at $233,150, which means we are now 67% funded, with 3 days to go. Thank you to everyone who has pledged.


    The team at PledgeMe tell me that there’s this thing called deadline magic - where most of the pledges come in the final few days as people do what people do - sneak in just before the deadline. Please, if you want to relieve some of my stress and haven't already- pledge now :) Here’s the link again:  The campaign is closing at 7pm on Thursday, 16 November.


    We’re also celebrating the fact that we’re preparing to roll out in New World. Currently we’re in retail 35 stores - and getting into New World would really push up our sales & brand exposure.


    We have big ambitions to grow - because we want to grow our impact but also because we want to grow our return for shareholders. We want to follow in the footsteps of founders like Brianne West, who grew Ethique with the support of her crowd and provided a 48-times return to her earliest crowdfunding investors.


    Thanks for all your support with this campaign, we can’t wait to welcome you into the Norish family.



    So much interest our product SOLD OUT!

    31/10/2023 at 11:20 AM

    To our beautiful Norish friends & fans,


    Between awards & equity there has been a lot of visits to our website!


    We are so humbled by your support over the last two weeks - for the second year in a row NORISH has won the children's health category for Best of Natural Awards & there are now 77 of you who have pledged over $156,000 towards our goal of $350,000 for our equity crowdfunding!


    Not only have we had people showing their support and interest by investing - we’ve also had people showing their interest in our mission by buying our products. So many in fact, we ran out! We’re working hard to restock our range, but we think this shows the interest in feeding our babies better is growing.


    We’ve also had some interesting approaches the last two weeks from potential distributors - which has led to some early and exciting conversations. Again, it’s clear to us that there are ways we can grow Norish into new markets, and now distributors are coming to us!


    Thanks again for all your support - all your pledges, comments, shares and kind words mean the world!


    Please keep sharing our purpose-led brand with those you think might be interested in investing. We are very excited for this next chapter.


    Warm regards, Gina & the Norish team.

    One week in and almost halfway!

    25/10/2023 at 8:49 PM

    Thanks so much for investing in us. It means the world to us, and our plans. Watching you all pledging in those first few hours and days has been such an amazing validation of what we have achieved so far and what we want to do - thank you. 


    In order to get to our goal, we need to make a bit of noise about this campaign. Can you help us?


    1. Could you share our campaign through social media, and share why you’ve supported us?

    2. Could you forward our IM and campaign page to five people that you think might be interested?


    We are also hosting an Instagram Live tomorrow night (Thursday, 26 October) at 8pm. Just head over to our instagram page (@gina.urlich) then, and you’ll be able to watch our pitch - and ask me questions. I’ll have Anna from PledgeMe there as well to answer any questions you might have about equity crowdfunding.


    Thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to having you as a vital part of our growing family.


    Warm regards,

    Gina & the Norish team.

      Offer Details

      Current Valuation 4,054,400
      Raise Minimum 350,000
      Raise Maximum 700,000
      Share Price 1.00
      Minimum Pledge 500.00
      Maximum Shares Offered 700,000
      Explanation of valuation:

      Financial Summary

      Prev Year Current Year Est. FY 2026 Est. FY 2027
      Revenue NZ $339,035 NZ $913,088 NZ $3,899,121 NZ $9,342,902
      Operating Expenses NZ $304,482 NZ $779,513 NZ $1,458,519 NZ $1,903,872
      EBITDA -NZ $143,332 -NZ $186,108 NZ $965,360 NZ $3,216,833
      Net Profit -NZ $143,332 -NZ $186,108 NZ $787,302 NZ $2,316,120

      Company Details

      Company Name: Norish Limited

      Company Number: 8180946

      Company Documents

      Documents no longer available to download, as this campaign has closed

      Director Details

      Name Role Profile URL Invested?
      Gina Urlich Director/CEO
      Dylan Urlich Director

      Hi, new to PledgeMe so I apologise for the silly question. Do investors who pledge have the responsibility to put in more money (based on their investment) if the company goes into trouble, as shareholders/directors in other companies do? Thank you

      Posted on 13-11-2023 by Natasha

      Kia ora Natasha, Anna here from PledgeMe. If you become a shareholder in Norish, you are not expected or required to invest again in the future. Here's some more information about what it means to become a shareholder:

      Answered on 14-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

      Thanks Gina, so nothing contracted in yet for Australia? As for the FY26 financials, is that taking the planned Asian expansion into account? Moving from less than $400k to $9m+ in revenue in 3 years is a substantial estimation. Are there Asia-based (China/Japan) distributors in place already?
      Can you please also advise if there was any Independent advice given for this pre-money valuation? I note on page 48 that this was provided to you by your board and validated by your accountant and that you have accountants on your board (pg13)? Thanks, hoping to invest but need a couple of crucial gaps in the IM filled first please.
      Regards, Si

      Posted on 09-11-2023 by Simon

      Hi Simon,
      We appreciate the thoroughness of your inquiry.

      Currently, we've adopted a per capita & market size strategy based on our traction in NZ and our expansion into new export markets. While we've formed relationships with distribution channels, formal contracts are still pending. After the campaign's conclusion on Wednesday, we plan to advance our strategy and finalise contracts.

      In terms of valuation, we've engaged in discussions with formal valuation companies. However, given stage of the business and cost of an independent valuation, we decided not to complete a formal valuations at this point. Our current valuation is based on a hybrid of financial performance (current sales x future expected EBITDA performance) as well as intangible assets and value. We have two accountants on our advisory board who bring a wealth of FMCG experience.

      We look forward to having you join our crowdfunding campaign.

      Kindest regards, Gina

      Answered on 14-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

      Can you please offer a breakdown of where this substantial increase in revenue is being generated offshore? Ie, are there distribution contracts in place already prior to your launch into Australia/Asia? I note that you have already been selling into Australia since inception, so would like to understand more around how sales will ramp up there. I understand you've offered a 'Per Capita' estimation here, however in my experience in is very difficult to assume an 'apples for apples' approach when factoring in export markets. Thank you in advance

      Posted on 30-10-2023 by Simon

      Hello Simon, you're absolutely right. Norish has been shipping to the Australian market from the very beginning, and our sales there have grown organically without any specific marketing efforts. We are having wholesale opportunities from Australia come to us & regular requests online for Norish to be available in AU. We've made sales forecasts based on per capita estimations and have built robust relationships with two of our existing wholesale partners in New Zealand, which we intend to extend into the Australian market. We acknowledge that the Australian market is not an exact replica of our current situation in New Zealand, and our entry into these new markets is a carefully strategised endeavour.
      Regards, Gina

      Answered on 05-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

      What was the actual pre-money valuation amount for the 2022 capital raise?

      Posted on 26-10-2023 by Cristian

      Hi Cristian, the pre-money valuation in 2022 is a private agreement between the shareholders. It was at a slightly lower valuation reflected in earlier traction as well as bringing on an experienced advisory board. Thanks

      Answered on 05-11-2023 by Gina Urlich

      What was the pre-money valuation of your last year's capital raise and how much did you raise?
      When did Norish get the $25k from the Ministry of Awesome and was it a loan or an equity investment?

      Posted on 20-10-2023 by Cristian

      Hi Cristian,

      Our early investment round was at a lower valuation as we were earlier in our traction, and wanting to get our advisors on board.

      The Ministry of Awesome prize was a SAFE which converted as part of this round to shares. You can see that in our capitalisation table in the IM.
      Thanks for your questions.

      Answered on 25-10-2023 by Gina Urlich

      1. could you please confirm my reading of the financial summary table on the web page ("Details").
      [Revenue- Operating Expenses] doesn't equal EBITDA which needs explanation. This is because the table doesn't include Cost of Goods Sold (ref p52 of the IM)? Confirm?
      2. Assuming that's the case is there a reason the gross profit improves to 60% cause that seems like good progress?
      3. Finally p54 "Overhead assumptions" - is there a missing sentence at the end of that section?

      Posted on 19-10-2023 by Josh Forde

      Hi Josh, thanks for the questions.
      Q1: Confirming the table on the PledgeMe Website is high-level financial information and it does not include COGS. That level of detail is available in the IM on page 52 as you’ve noted.
      Q2: YTD actual GP % sitting at 56.5% so an increase of 3.5% which is due to “new” stock being sold with lower production costs due to larger production runs and therefore hitting price breaks in terms of minimum order quantities. The slight decline of GP within FY25 and FY26 is due to the mix of e-commerce sales and wholesale sales assumptions changing, with an increased play in wholesale.
      Q3: Originally there was a table of our internal resource onboarding strategy, so the last sentence is a little out of context. We are happy to talk to our internal resource onboarding strategy with you however.

      Answered on 25-10-2023 by Gina Urlich

      Celeste Cole
      07/11/2023 at 7:35pm
      Emma Doyle
      06/11/2023 at 7:55pm
      06/11/2023 at 6:17pm
      Anna Hart
      06/11/2023 at 12:32pm
      Nicky Schrader
      04/11/2023 at 8:35pm
      Josh Forde
      01/11/2023 at 10:29am
      Patriot Investment Group
      01/11/2023 at 9:29am
      01/11/2023 at 7:22am

      "All the best Gina!"

      Wentian Gao
      30/10/2023 at 9:55pm
      30/10/2023 at 9:01pm

      "All the best! "

      30/10/2023 at 2:51pm
      30/10/2023 at 1:52am
      Laura Cibilich
      29/10/2023 at 9:04pm
      Jeska McHugh
      28/10/2023 at 9:48am
      Sarah Morley
      27/10/2023 at 12:01pm
      Angela O'Brien
      27/10/2023 at 6:24am
      Kristin leckie
      26/10/2023 at 8:56pm

      "Excellent idea I hope you reach your target to provide better nourishing baby food globally ,sending positive thoughts 😀 "

      Lisa Lafou
      26/10/2023 at 8:37pm
      Louise Easton
      26/10/2023 at 8:01pm
      James Corbett
      26/10/2023 at 4:52pm

      "Great initiative and should be the pharmacy channel for sure!"

      John O'Hara
      26/10/2023 at 3:20pm
      Suzanne McNamara
      26/10/2023 at 9:27am

      "Good luck with the crowdfund"

      Lara Nash
      25/10/2023 at 10:07pm

      "Thankyou for providing a healthy option for our bubbas "

      24/10/2023 at 9:57pm
      Monique Brough
      23/10/2023 at 3:55am
      Richard Barge
      22/10/2023 at 12:53pm
      Anna Guenther
      21/10/2023 at 4:26pm
      Libby cain
      20/10/2023 at 9:37am
      Silvia Zuur
      19/10/2023 at 5:52pm
      Alicia McKay
      19/10/2023 at 5:29pm
      This campaign was successful and got its funding on 16/11/2023 at 7:00 PM.

      This campaign has closed, but this company may choose to do more equity raises on PledgeMe in the future. If you're interested in investing in Norish Limited, you can sign up to be notified when a new equity campaign from this company is published.

      Notify Me

      Investor Perks

      5% Discount + Shares

      NZ $500.00+

      Non-voting shares & 5% off Norish range

      10% Discount + Shares

      NZ $1,000.00+

      Non-voting shares & 10% off Norish range

      15% Discount + Shares

      NZ $5,000.00+

      Non-voting shares & 15% off the Norish range

      15% Discount, Trail New Products + Shares

      NZ $10,000.00+

      Non-voting shares, 15% off the Norish range & first to trial new product development

      20% Discount, Trial New Products + Shares

      NZ $30,000.00+

      Non-voting shares & 20% off Norish range & first to trial new product development

      20% Discount, Trial New Products + Voting Shares

      NZ $50,000.00+

      Voting shares in Norish Limited, 20% off Norish range & first to trial new product development

      Warning statement about equity crowdfunding

      Equity crowdfunding is risky.

      Issuers using this facility include new or rapidly growing ventures. Investment in these types of business is very speculative and carries high risks.

      You may lose your entire investment, and must be in a position to bear this risk without undue hardship.

      New Zealand law normally requires people who offer financial products to give information to investors before they invest. This requires those offering financial products to have disclosed information that is important for investors to make an informed decision.

      The usual rules do not apply to offers by issuers using this facility. As a result, you may not be given all the information usually required. You will also have fewer other legal protections for this investment.

      Ask questions, read all information given carefully, and seek independent financial advice before committing yourself.